Ali Alavi


Who am I

My name is Ali Alavi. I live in Toronto, Canada.

What I like

To hack around. I love to code, and to build things. Sometimes I like to build stuff from bare metal, and recently I've been throwing some ML in the mix. I like small, simple things that work well. Like a minimalistic web page, a small but well-documented library, or a simple yet brilliant algorithm:

  while (a != b):
    if a > b:
      a = a - b
    elif b > a:
      b = b - a

+ good wine, good food, good company.

What I've done

I've worked with some startups in Scandinavia, Canada, US and the Middle East, in the fields of interactive software, embedded systems, and wearables. I've also done some research, but I consider myself more of an engineer+hacker than an academic.

What I'm working on

I am working on a medtech startup, and giving workshops on programming and data science.

[contact me]

Contant me if you have any cool project in mind and you think I can somehow contribute.