Ali Alavi

[experience & skills]

2017-2018 - MedAux Inc. - CTO

2013-2017 - ETH Zurich - Scientific Employee

2012-2013 - Touchtech - Windows Programming

2005-2010 - Bloorintar - Embedded Software Engineer

2002-2005 - Peyvand Afzar Farda - Fullstack developer


2013-2018 - ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland - Ph.D., Human-Computer Interaction

Development of a framework for pose and gesture recognition

2010-2012 - Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden - Master of Science, Computer systems and networks

Focused on secure and dependable computer systems, and formal methods.

2002-2007 - Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran - Bachelor of Science, Computer Engineering

With focus courses on computer science and digital electronics.


[hobbies & personality]

[side projects]

2014 - Zurich, Switzerland - Automatic News Generation Based on Twitter

Selected as the top 3 projects in Big Data, Fall 2014, ETH Zurich

2011 - Gothenburg, Sweden - TravelHack

Selected as best app for improving pubtrans in Vastra Gotaland, Sweden

[contact me]